The SIG CL of the DGfS supports the preparation of teaching and information material within the area of computational linguistics. The following projects have been initiated or promoted already.
- Web portal on computational linguistics
- Reading List CL and LT
- Web Site for CL Teaching Material
- Introduction to Computational Linguistics and Language Technology (in German)
Moreover, since 2010, the SIG CL organizes tutorials at the annual conferences of the DGfS.
Web portal on computational linguistics (Portal Computerlinguistik)
The web portal on computational linguistics (Portal Computerlinguistik) is a joint project of the SIG CL of the DGfS and the German Society for Computational Linguistics and Language Technology (GSCL) which offers information on computational linguistics within Germany and for the German language, including links to relevant institutions, projects, resources, education, events, and initiatives.
Reading List Computational Linguistics and Language Technology
In cooperation between Irene Cramer and Sabine Schulte im Walde with the Institut für Deutsche Sprache in Mannheim, a reading list on Computational Linguistics and Language Technology has been edited (in German). 36 authors contributed to a total of 43 relevant topics, subdivided into theoretical linguistic topics, computational methods and resources, and language technological modules and systems. The reading list comprises not only the relevant literature but also links to institutions, conferences, projects, networks, representative persons, teaching material, etc.
The reading list was published by the Julius Groos Verlag Brigitte Narr GmbH, Tübingen. The print version is complemented by an online version, offering a subset of the printed links. The references in the reading list have just been updated.
Web Site for CL Teaching Material
In 2004, the DGfS-CL decided to create a web site for teaching CL. Stefan Müller built and since then maintains this site. Feedback is welcome.
Introduction to Computational Linguistics and Language Technology (in German)
This introductory book to CL and LT (in German) was supported by the DGfS-CL. It offers a comprehensive introduction to the basics and methods in Computational Linguistics.
Carstensen, Kai-Uwe; Ebert, Christian; Endriss, Cornelia; Jekat, Susanne; Klabunde, Ralf; Langer, Hagen (eds): Computerlinguistik und Sprachtechnologie: Eine Einführung. Heidelberg: Spektrum-Verlag.