Special Interest Group on CL
The Special Interest Group (SIG) on Computational Linguistics was founded in 1988 and aims to promote communication and collaboration between theoretical and computational linguists. The SIG (co-)organizes a number of activities:
- biennial fall schools
- poster sessions as part of the annual conferences of the DGfS
- tutorials as part of the annual conferences of the DGfS
- KONVENS (Konferenz zur Verarbeitung natürlicher Sprache/Conference on Natural Language Processing)
Speakers of the Special Interest Group have been:
- Manfred Pinkal (Saarbrücken), 1988-1990
- Michael Herweg (IBM), 1990-1995
- Tibor Kiss (Bochum), 1995-1999
- Miriam Butt (Konstanz), 1999-2008
- Sabine Schulte im Walde (Stuttgart), 2008-2011
- Stefanie Dipper (Bochum), 2011-2016
- Rainer Osswald (Düsseldorf), 2016-2023
- Annette Hautli-Janisz (Passau), 2023-
Information about ongoing activities can be found here.