LOT summer school registration open!
LOT summer school: Call for participants
The LOT Summer School 2018 is hosted by the University of Groningen from June 18-June 29. Professors from all over the world will come to Groningen to teach courses in their field of specialization. The LOT school is now open for PhD students in Linguistics. The focus of the Groningen Summer School is on Psycholinguistics, with courses taught by:
- Gary Lupyan (Language & Thought)
- Michael Ramscar (Language & Aging)
- Thomas Bak (Language & Cognition in Bilingualism)
- Kristin Lemhöfer (The Cognition and Electrophysiology of Multilingual Learning and Processing)
- Merel Keijzer (Language Attrition)
- Tom Roeper (Perspectives on Modern Acquisition Theory)
- Anna Papafragou (Language & Event Representation)
There will be in-depth courses on many other topics, ranging from computational linguistics and formal semantics to sociolinguistics, historical linguistics and phonetics. These will be taught by:
- Yves Scherrer (Language, Computation and Technology)
- Omer Preminger (Person, Number and the Architecture of Grammar)
- Jacolien van Rij (Introduction to Nonlinear Regression Modeling)
- František Kratochvíl (Linguistic Typology and Language Diversity)
- Janet Fuller (Language & Identity)
- Freek Van de Velde (Mechanisms and Methods in Historical Linguistics)
- Eva J. Daussà (Multilingualism at Home and in School)
- Jakub Dotlacil (Formal semantics and the cognitive modeling of interpretation)
- Debra Myhill (Researching the Grammar-Writing Relationship)
- Vincent van Heuven (Phonetic Correlates of Word and Sentence Stress).
In addition to these advanced courses in Linguistics, there will be discussion groups to discuss your own PhD research, poster sessions, a public lecture by Michael Ramscar, a lecture about open access publishing by Johan Rooryck, a career event and a range of social events.
Registration is open until May 22nd, 2018. Website:
Local organizer: Angeliek van Hout