Sonntag, 18. November 2012

Unterstützung für die RGGU

Petition für die Russische Staatliche Geisteswissensschaftliche Universität (RGGU) Moskau

Der Russischen Staatlichen Geisteswissenschaftlichen Universität (RGGU) Moskau droht eine Restrukturierung und eventuell sogar die Schließung, da sie auf einer Liste des Ministeriums für Erziehung und Bildung als "ineffizient" eingestuft wurde. Die Gründe für diese Einstufung scheinen aus wissenschaftlicher Sicht nicht gerechtfertigt. Gerade in der Linguistik zeichnet sich die RGGU durch ein sehr umfangreiches und anspruchsvolles Angebot in Lehre und Forschung aus. Ein Mitarbeiter der RGGU zählt die folgenden Aspekte auf:

Linguistic studies in RGGU offer undergraduate, master's and graduate programs in general and applied linguistics, intercultural communication and translation studies, as well as computer linguistics. Basic courses in theoretical linguistics include phonetics and phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics and pragmatics, historical-comparative and typological linguistics, as well as sociolinguistics, psycholinguistics, text and discourse studies, lexicography, and foundations of natural language processing. Every year, several dozens of special courses for intermediate and advanced students are offered covering various specific areas of linguistics. Students are also trained in higher mathematics and basic programming, and receive courses from the general humanitarian curricula.
Besides the scientific program, students of linguistics in RGGU compulsorily take at least two foreign languages (not counting Latin and Old Church Slavonic). Languages taught include all major European languages (English, German, Dutch, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, Norwegian, Swedish, Polish, Czech) as well as a number of Oriental languages (Japanese, Korean, Chinese, Arabic, Hebrew, Amharic, Persian, Hindi, Malay, Turkish and others). Courses of ancient (Greek, Gothic, Accadian, Classical Chinese, Classical Japanese, Sanskrit etc.) and lesser-known languages (e.g. Georgian, Lithuanian, Alutor) are also offered.Linguistics staff in RGGU can boast a large number of highly-qualified scholars with international reputation, including Anna Belova, Vladimir Dybo, Anna Dybo, Maxim Krongauz, Vera Podlesskaya, George Starostin, Yakov Testelets, Tatyana Yanko and others; a regular visiting professorship at RGGU is held by Professor Emeritus Barbara Partee. Many of the alumni of RGGU linguistics departments now teach and conduct research in Russia or abroad, some of them have taken PhD programs in the leading universities in Europe and the USA; linguists from RGGU form an important part of the qualified staff of several leading Russian IT companies.
Linguists at RGGU have been working on numerous scientific projects in various fields, including documentation of endangered languages of Russia, studies in oral discourse, gesture studies, studies in theoretical syntax and semantics etc. These scientific projects, led by leading scholars, involve graduate and undergraduate students as well.

Ich möchte die Mitglieder der DGfS dazu aufrufen, die unten angegebene Petition zu lesen und gegebenenfalls zu unterstützen.

Link zur Peition:

Britta Stolterfoht
Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen
Deutsches Seminar
Wilhelmstr. 50
72074 Tübingen

Tel: +49 7071 297 4273
E-mail: Kontakt