DGfS Annual Conference 2011


Child care

On request, child care can be organised for conference participants. Child care can only be offered during official conference meetings, i.e., during presentations and talks. Child care will not be available during the conference dinner and other social events.

If you wish to make use of child care service, please send an email to Dirk Buschbom at dirk.buschbom at phil.uni-goettingen.de with the subject “DGfS child care”. Note in your email how many children you wish to have day care for, how old they are and what their (native) language is. If there is anything else that we need to know, you can of course include it as well.

Note that we can only guarantee a place to those who register for the conference and indicate their request for child care before 16 January 2011. The offer of child care service will remain open after that date but only until all available places have been filled.


DGfS-members with reduced income can apply for a conference grant of € 250. The application form for this grant can be downloaded here (pdf). Note that in order to be taken into consideration, the application must be submitted before 31 December 2010.

Internet access

During the conference, a public WLAN network will be available in the Central Auditorium (ZHG) and the Verfügungsgebäude (VG). Information on this network can be obtained at the conference office. (Note that this network and any data sent over it are not encrypted. If you wish to access personal information such as e-mail over this network, you are advised to make use of a VPN or at the very least of an encrypted HTTP connection, so-called HTTPS.)

The University of Göttingen also provides access to the world-wide Eduroam network. Employees of universities that also take part in this network can log onto the encrypted Eduroam network in Göttingen using their own local login data. Further information on the exact login procedure can be obtained at your own university.