DGfS Annual Conference 2011

AG 3

Textkohärenz und Textverstehen bei Erwachsenen und Kindern

Full programme (pdf) (note programme changes).

Coordinators: Angelika Becker, Dagmar Bittner, Natalia Gagarina, Nadja Kühn, Milena Kühnast und Renate Musan

Ted Sanders (Utrecht)
Coherence relations and text comprehension: How coherence relations and connectives influence discourse processing and text comprehension
Manfred Stede (Potsdam) & Michael Grabski (TU Berlin)
Konnektoren und Kohärenzrelationen: Zur Modellierung kausaler und adversativer Relationen
Jacqueline Evers-Vermeul & Jentine Land (Utrecht)
Short sentences easy to read? Effects of connective use on text comprehension of beginning readers
Elena Karagjosova (Stuttgart)
‘Nämlich’: A unified account
Hana Klages (Heidelberg)
Referential coherence: Children’s understanding of pronoun anaphor. Evidence from first and second language acquisition
Iker Zulaica-Hernández (Ohio State)
Tense-demonstration congruence: a discourse coherence mechanism
Elsi Kaiser (U Southern California)
Inferencing with limited knowledge: Investigating the sources of coherence cues
Nathalie Topaj (ZAS Berlin)
Acquisition of Discourse Coherence: Pronominal Reference in Russian and German Bilingual and Monolingual Narratives
Anastasia Dressler (Wien), Anna Wolleb (Pavia), Stefania Bargagna, Valentina Perelli, Lucia Pfanner, Paola Cipriani, Anna-Maria Chilosi (IRCCS, Stella Maris Foundation, Pisa), Susanne Boniecki, Wolfgang U. Dressler (Wien)
Development of clitic pronouns and coreference in Italian Down Syndrome in contrast to typical development
Sergey Avrutin, Stella De Bode, Elena Tribushinina & Nada Vasić (Utrecht)
Referential coherence in children after hemispherectomy
Sarah Schimke, Saveria Colonna & Maya Hickmann (Paris & CNRS)
Agentivity and pronoun use: Evidence from a controlled production experiment
Elena Tribushinina, Natalia Gagarina & Eva Valcheva (Utrecht & ZAS Berlin)
Using connectives for reference maintenance in a bilingual context
Pascale Leclercq (Montpellier) & Ewa Lenart (Paris)
Pronominal anaphora and discursive cohesion: what children and adult learners of French and English tell us
Claudia Müller (TU Dortmund)
Zur narrativen Entwicklung von Vorschulkindern unterschiedlicher Muttersprache und sozialen Hintergrunds
Insa Gülzow (DRK-Kliniken Westend, Berlin)
Establishing discourse referents: indefinite noun phrases in German children’s narratives
Cristy McNiven, Judith Johnston & Paola Colozzo (U British Columbia)
Who’s Who: Keeping Track of Characters During Story Telling
Chigusa Kurumada (Stanford)
Topicality and aspect marking: A case of Japanese narrative and conversational discourses
Samantha Disbray (Melbourne)
More than one way to catch a frog: Discourse strategies in children’s narrations in an Australian contact language
Gabriella Fekete (CNRS & U Lyon)
Referential expressions used in the foreground-background dichotomy in the narrative of Hungarian’s 5 and 7/8-years-old child
Dagmar Bittner (ZAS Berlin)
Anaphoric vs. deictic reference in German 3–6-year-olds - comparison of longitudinal and narrative data